Visit to Toronto and Niagara Falls!
It’s fun to be a tourist in places you’ve been before, especially if you’ve spent a long time not being a tourist – a long time at home. In the last three years, we’ve travelled once. We went to Prince Edward Island this summer and it was amazing – as always. Perhaps I will drop a post about it soon because it was fully a camera lovers dream. So many beautiful photos of the kids playing, joyful and having an amazing time.
This time we took to places closer to home as we were venturing to Port Colborne to attend my husband’s grandmother’s 90th birthday party. NINETY! How amazing is that? Truly incredible. We decided to swing through Toronto and Niagara Falls so the kids could catch some sights. We regularly forget that while WE adults have memories of these places, the kids don’t. Their strong memory years were spent at home, wondering how long the pandemic might impose on their fun.
So a small detour into the big city to see the CN Tower – we didn’t go up though because it was very cold and dreary – and foggy. We’ll go back when it’s nice weather and they can see for miles! But we walked. We ate at the Old Spaghetti Factory, and they gazed up – sore necks and all – to see the massive towers in downtown Toronto. They were amazed. They were in awe of the grandeur. They loved it despite not really doing anything while there but seeing so much by just wandering!
The falls were of course a vision – so large, so powerful and so unreal. But the kids were drawn to Clifton Hill – the lights, the action, the games and treats! Hard to knock them for turning their eyes to the bustle than the “calm” of the rushing waters.
While I love photographing in Ottawa, it’s always so fun to wander around other places. Hopefully next time it won’t be so cold and we can get more creative with our photos!