Valentine’s Day – A reminder to be in photos!
On Valentine’s Day, I’m always reminded of a little trick I do during family sessions, despite the protestations, which I hear every single time.
“No, no, no we don’t need one of just us.”
“The kids are the cute ones, we’re just background props!”
“We haven’t had a couple shot since our wedding, when I was much slimmer.”
“Are you kidding, a close up? Of the two of us? I’ve aged ten years since the last ones!”
And yet, I still insist that we go forward with couple photos.
It’s not because I’m a hopeless romantic.
Quite the opposite: I am a hopeful pragmatist.
I hope you’ll never need photos to stand in for a hand to hold. And I believe that most of you never will.
But I like a good insurance policy. Even if you never display the photos, or you pop them up on Facebook and don’t think about them again…I want to be sure all my clients have every possible configuration of their family in full colour, or black and white.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to pose. There isn’t a perfect shot. You may love the result. You may not.
But no matter, because the point is that you have the photo.
Valentine’s Day is hard for some because it can be a reminder of love lost. For others, it’s just another day.
For me, it’s an opportunity to put down on paper the importance of taking a moment to celebrate your relationship, separate from the kids, and the dog, the mortgage and all the inevitable responsibilities that pile up…
And remind you why you embarked on this journey together in the first place.
If you want to be in more photos together, please consider reaching out for a family session! View more information on outdoor sessions here or visit Facebook for further samples of my work.