Balloon Sessions for Children – Ottawa Photographer
Having a seasonal profession forces you to think differently if you want to run a business all year round. Early in my career as an Ottawa photographer, I realized that appetite for photos ebbed and flowed.
Christmas, springtime and fall photos were natural peaks in demand.
But who’s thinking about photos in the dead of winter?
The days are short, the light is low and we’re all keeping our heads down, just getting from A to B.
I realized that I had an opportunity to poke holes in the expected, and find surprising pockets of joy amidst Ottawa’s cruelest season.
And that’s exactly what you’re looking at.
If there’s anything that brings a smile to a child’s face, whatever the weather, it’s balloons in every colour of the rainbow. In the words of Mary Kondo, they never fail to spark joy…unless they pop! (Which, quite frankly, is an occupational hazard.)
Not only does this backdrop convey a mood of unabashed delight, putting it together provides my own kids something super fun and engaging to do. It gives them a chance to be helpful and it gives me an opportunity to share a little bit of my craft with them.
While I love my outdoor sessions, and can’t wait for the first signs of spring, I take great satisfaction in creating a photography experience that transcends the seasons, and which I build with the needs of my clients in mind.
Finding beauty in May and September is easy, and the magic of the winter holidays speaks for itself…but discovering a secret joy in the darkest days of February, with nothing but an open mind, a free spirit and a backdrop of balloons…that’s something to smile about! Say Cheese!
For more information on children’s studio portraits in Ottawa, including balloon fun, please visit my site here or check out my Facebook page for further details. I’m an Ottawa area based photographer with a home studio in Barrhaven. I’d love to meet you!